Sorry for any delays. We are very busy at the moment and trying to work through our backlog of email/design requests as fast as possible. -- We stand behind the quality of our decals but this ain't no book club. Stripes/skins are printed/cut to order custom jobs and sales are final.

Full Custom Vector Truck Design Slot

Get your truck setup for a custom shirt or sign. Send us your best pictures and we will setup a full custom vector design of your truck and logo and send you the design files to keep with a shirt or sign.

This is for people who have nice pics of their truck and want a full custom vector design on their angle with their logo and full themed background. We setup your exact truck with all the accessories/lights/graphics/lettering in full vector design. 

  1. Buy your slot.
  2. Send in your best pics, logo, slogan and ideas for the design.
  3. We setup custom vector design of your truck with your logo and all the bolts and nuts and the chrome bits and send you a pic to look at.
  4. You check out the pic and love it.
  5. You say that you love it BUT your light covers actually have a slightly different color, and your tank straps are a bit wider and you have been meaning to get those chrome fender guards but they were out of stock...
  6. We revise the design to help you commemorate your "last truck" or get gear to promote your "going concern" till all the bits are sorted.
  7. When the design is finished we send you a vector copy of the design (eps, svg, or pdf) and a T-Shirt or Shop Sign 18" x 12"(ish) on brushed aluminum.

Once the design is finished you can use it for almost anything. We can give you pricing on t-shirts, decals, laser cut signs, etc...

Regular price $800.00 CAD